Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Born Through Social Media

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Dominions Medical is aiming to do things different from traditional medical companies; from process to purpose and even media. While the medical industry is always on the cutting edge of patient care and surgical techniques the rest of the industry from supply chain to ERP systems and procurement are sometimes left behind. Dominions, in launching a new organization, has made the decision to be on the cutting edge of media and relationships with our customers and peers.

Dominions is committed to making sure that we are fully engaged in social media, and as far as we know, will be the first Medical Company launched through Social Media. What does that mean for an industry that is largely underrepresented in Social Media? It means unprecedented access and insight into the company. We will be updating the Blog, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn frequently with updates on what's going on here at Dominions as well related industry news and information. What it also represents is an ongoing conversation and relationship. Social Media is often represented as Mass Media. While it can be an efficient way to get information out to a lot of people at once it's also a way to engage people individually. From blog comments or Facebook postings each will be read, responded to an considered. If we post about an upcoming change in the company, its offerings or a request for insight from our customers we want 100% straight forward responses. Likewise, you should expect straight forward posts here. If you are looking for over-wordy complicated press releases that are heavy on buzz words and light on information or magazine quality articles you are in the wrong place. While formalities have their place this isn't it. This will be space for Dominions to come put our thoughts and ideas right in front of you. All to make sure we haven't lost touch with your needs as a customer.

While we know we have a great business model focused on saving health care providers money and giving medical OEM's increased value and visibility we want to share it with you and engage you in an ongoing conversation. If you are fully engaged in social media follow along in whatever way suits you best. If not, you can always save the URL to your favorites or subscribe by e-mail using the link at the top of the page. We hope you enjoy our blog and the transparency it will provide and continue to follow along as Dominions grows from an idea to a major player in the healthcare industry.

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